Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Indian FM telephones Shah Mehmood Qureshi

NEW DELHI: Indian foreign minister S.M. Krishna told his Pakistani counterpart in talks over the telephone on Wednesday that Pakistan should "unravel the full conspiracy" behind the Mumbai attacks and crack down on militancy.

Krishna and his opposite number Shah Mehmood Qureshi spoke in the backdrop of fraught relations between the nuclear-armed neighbours following Mumbai and recent military flare-ups on the border.

India has "paused" a formal peace process with Pakistan after the 2008 strike on Mumbai, which it blames on Pakistan-based militants and some state agencies. The two sides have however met on the sidelines of international gatherings since then.

Pakistan has put seven men on trial for the attacks, but India has demanding swifter justice.

Krishna "underscored the need for bringing the perpetrators of the attack to justice expeditiously and requested that India be kept informed of the progress of the trial," an Indian Foreign Ministry statement said.

"(Krishna) also pointed out that Pakistan needs to take effective steps to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism which exists in Pakistan and continues to be used for anti-India activities," it added.

A Pakistani man accused of being the lone surviving gunman of the Mumbai attacks is on trial in India, while a Chicago man has been charged in the United States for helping plan the strike.

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